Cultural Responsiveness

A Culturally Responsive School
Beachlands Primary School continues to be a lead school in culturally responsive practices. In 2022, we continued in our role as a Teacher Development School, guiding and supporting schools in our region in their culturally responsive journey.
In 2022, Beachlands TDS team accepted 4 requests for service to support Midwest schools, develop and embed culturally responsive practices in their contexts. We also hosted a Midwest Tour, highlighting our school’s journey and practical strategies schools could utilise to support reconciliation and Tracks to Two-Way Learning.
As a Teacher Development School for Aboriginal Languages and Cultural Responsiveness we were privileged to host Koora Waangkininy Boodjar in Geraldton. Over the course of 3 days, (5 sessions) we reached 143 participants from 16 Midwest schools and 4 community organisations. Beachlands Year 5/6 students also had the opportunity to participate in this session.
The importance of truth telling and working towards a reconciled future was certainly highlighted in this special event for our region.
We are proud to be the successful recipient of the 2022 Institute of Public Administration Award, for Best Practice in Innovation for our culturally responsive approaches. This was a wonderful celebration of our school shared with staff past and present.

On Country Learning
Beachlands Primary School uses a well-developed whole school planning document integrating local Yamaji culture and our Wajarri language lessons in with our HASS and Science learning areas. This allows us to provide meaningful and authentic hands-on STEM experiences On Country. These experiences support our staff and students to:
- connect with local community members
- develop a deeper respect for our local history and culture
- build a sense of belonging and appreciation for this land we are fortunate enough to live on

NAIDOC Celebrations